Conference Programme 2024

EACVA's 17th Annual International Business Valuation Conference
5 and 6 December 2024 | Düsseldorf

 Download the conference programme (PDF) »

Click on the links in the speakers' names for more information about the speakers and the content of the presentations:

08:00 − 09:00

Conference Registration, Welcome Coffee & Exhibitions

09:00 − 09:15

Welcome Address EACVA: WP StB Andreas Creutzmann, CVA / Wolfgang Kniest, CVA

09:15 − 10:30

Opening Keynote (in English):
How Can Europe Achieve More Competitiveness and Resilience?
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest, ifo Institute, Munich

10:30 − 11:00

Networking Coffee Break & Exhibitions

11:00 − 12:00

Session A-3 (in English):
Back to Basics in Valuation: Value Migration and Business Models Innovation
Prof. Dr. Mauro Bini, Bocconi University Milan

Session A-1 (in German):
Nachhaltigkeit, ESG, CSRD und die Relevanz für die Unternehmensbewertung
Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner, FutureValue Group

Session A-2 (in German):
Markenbewertung und Marktforschung – eine nützliche Verbindung 

12:00 − 12:15

Short Break (session/room change) & Exhibitions

12:15 − 13:15

Session B-3 (in English):
The Valuation of Startups: How to estimate Pre-IPO Multiples?
Dr. Christoph Engel, CFA, CVA, Accuracy

Session B-1 (in German):
Steuerliche Bewertungen – Erfahrungen aus der Praxis der Betriebsprüfung
WP StB Dr. Torsten Kohl, FGS

Session B-2 (in German):
Ausgewählte Bewertungsfragen bei Carve-outs
André Menze, CFA, PwC

13:15 − 14:30

Networking Lunch & Exhibitions

14:30 − 15:30

Session C-2 (in English):
Business Valuation in Italy
Ascanio Salvidio, ACA, RICS, Salvidio & Partners

Session C-3 (in English):
Pricing Credit Risk – Analytical Challenges and Practical Applications for
Valuation & Transfer Pricing Practitioners

Ernest Breitschwerdt, CFA, S&P Global Market Intelligence

Session C-1 (in German):
Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Diskussionspunkte bei Impairment Tests –
Lessons Learned für die Saison 2024

WP StB Dr. Alexander Brunner, CVA, IVC

15:30 − 16:00

Networking Coffee Break & Exhibitions

16:00 − 17:00

Session D-3 (in English):
Valuation Challenges in the Era of Democratisation of Private Capital
Elena Moisei, Kroll

Session D-1 (in German):
Risiko in der Unternehmensbewertung in einer CAPM-Welt
Prof. Dr. Matthias Meitner, CFA, International School of Management / VALUESQUE

Session D-2 (in German):
Multiplikatoren – Aktuelle Erkenntnisse und deren Auswirkung für die praktische Anwendung
StB Prof. PD MMag. Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, CVA, Graz University of Technology /
Prof. ddr. Timotej Jagrič, CQRM, University of Maribor

18:30 − 22:30

Champagne reception, Networking Dinner and Music by the Live Band "4 at the club" 
at the Ballroom of the Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf

Agenda and speakers are subject to change

08:30 − 09:15

Welcome Coffee & Exhibitions

09:15 − 10:30

Keynote (in English):
Sustainable Finance, Sustainability Measurement and Risk: A Holistic Perspective
Prof. Dr. Gregor Dorfleitner, University of Regensburg

10:30 − 11:00

Networking Coffee Break & Exhibitions

11:00 − 12:00

Session E-2 (in English):
AI in Valuation Risk: Holistic Solutions or Overhyped Promises?
Dr. Tomáš Krabec, MBA, Prague University of Economics and Business

Session E-3 (in English):
Microeconomics Meets Valuation: On the Impossibility of Value Neutral Net Investments and
Steady State in Terminal Value Models

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schwetzler, CVA, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Session E-1 (in German):
Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen und Bewertung in Zeiten der Transformation
WP StB Dr. Sven Schieszl, EY

12:00 − 12:15

Short Break (session/room change) & Exhibitions

12:15 − 13:15

Session F-3 (in English):
Do Investors Care About ESG? Navigating the Maze for Valuation Professionals
Carla S. Nunes, CFA, ABV, Kroll

Session F-1 (in German):
Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Fachgutachten KFS/BW 1
WP StB Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabel, CVA, Rabel & Partner

Session F-2 (in German):
Precedent Transaction Analysis – Navigieren durch das Labyrinth
Arnd Allert, CVA, Allert & Co.

13:15 − 14:30

Networking Lunch & Exhibitions

14:30 − 15:30

Session G-3 (in English):
From Opacity to Clarity: Leveraging Explainable AI for Transparent Business Valuation
Prof. ddr. Timotej Jagrič, CQRM, University of Maribor  /
StB Prof. PD MMag. Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, CVA, Graz University of Technology

Session G-1 (in German):
Hin und wieder zurück – Evolution oder Revolution des IDW S 1?
Dr. Andreas Tschöpel, CVA, CEFA, CIIA, KPMG

Session G-2 (in German):
Carry Interest Bewertung – Incentive Programme im Private Equity Kontext
Dr. Timo Willershausen, PwC

15:30 − 16:00

Networking Coffee Break & Exhibitions

16:00 − 17:00

Session H-2 (in English):
Private Debt Valuation: An Overview of Methodologies and Market Best Practices
Samir Moussaoui, CFA, MRICS, PwC

Session H-3 (in English):
Deciphering Intangible Asset Reporting: What valuers need to know in an ever-changing space
Prof. Dr. Ken Lee, CFA, Loughborough University Business School /
Deborah Taylor, CA, Financial Edge Training, London

Session H-1 (in German): 
Podiumsdiskussion: Aktuelles zu den Bewertungsstandards in Deutschland und Österreich


End of the Conference

Agenda and speakers are subject to change


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