Multiplikatoren – Aktuelle Erkenntnisse und deren Auswirkung für die praktische Anwendung
- Die Performance von Multiplikatoren entlang des Unternehmenslebenszyklus
- Peer Group: Optimale Größe und Zusammensetzung
- Stabilität und Stationarität von Multiplikatoren im Zeitablauf
- Composite Multiplikatoren: Optimierungskriterien und Ergebnisse
Co-Speaker: Prof. ddr. Timotej Jagric, CQRM
Session D-2: Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2024 I 16:00 – 17:00
StB Prof. PD MMag. Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, CVA
Graz University of Technology I Assistant Professor Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology
Professor in the field of Management Control, Accounting and Finance. He gives classes at Webster University St. Louis/Vienna, Graz University of Technology and University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. He is guest/visiting professor at University of Twente, University of Maribor and Istanbul Medeniyet University.
He acts as a referee for academic journals and as a member of scientific committees at numerous international scientific conferences. He has published papers in major scientific journals, books and actively participated at scientific conferences around the world. Furthermore, he is Certified Tax Consultant (financial advisory), Expert Witness and Certified Valuation Analyst (EACVA/NACVA).